Inserting Tables
There are several ways to create a table in a text document. You can insert a table from a toolbar, through a menu command, or from a spreadsheet.
- Place the cursor in your document where you want to insert the page count.
- On the Standard or the Insert bar, click the arrow next to the Table icon.
- In the table grid, drag to select the numbers of rows and columns that you want, and then release.
To cancel, drag to the other side until Cancel appears in the preview area of the grid.
To insert a table with a menu command
- Place the cursor in your document where you want to insert the page count.
- Choose Table - Insert Table .
- In the Size area, enter the number of rows and columns.
- Select the options that you want, click OK .
Inserting a Table From a Calc Spreadsheet
- Open the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet containing the cell range that you want to insert.
- In the spreadsheet, drag to select the cells.
- Choose Edit - Copy .
- In your text document, do one of the following:
- Choose Edit - Paste . The cell range is pasted as an OLE object. To edit the contents of the cells, double-click the object.
- Choose Edit - Index Entry , and do one of the following:
LibreOffice 24.8 Spreadsheet
Press Command Ctrl +B.
બંધારણ વગરનુ લખાણ
Text only, tab stops as separators
બંધારણવાળુ લખાણ [RTF]
Table structure and contents, without formatting. With updating
Drag-and-Drop a Cell Range From a Calc Spreadsheet
- Open the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet containing the cell range that you want to insert.
- In the spreadsheet, drag to select the cells.
- Click and hold the mouse button in the selected cells.
- Drag the selected cells into the text document.
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