Use our risk profiler to help give you an idea of your clients' attitude to risk - so you can see which of our investment choices might meet their needs.
How your client feels about risk will be a personal preference that is likely to change over time. It may change depending on their financial circumstances and career stages.
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The risk profiler asks how strongly your client agrees with 12 statements about their current financial situation, feelings and their attitude towards risk. The statements are based on the A2 Risk Attitude to Risk Profile Questionnaire.
Their answers are then converted into a score and mapped to one of our seven risk attitude categories - from very cautious, to very adventurous - helping you decide what level of risk they feel comfortable with.
Very Cautious investors typically have very low levels of knowledge of investment matters and very limited interest in keeping up to date with investment issues. They are unlikely to have experience of investment having only saved into bank accounts.
In general, Very Cautious investors prefer knowing that their capital is safe rather than seeking high returns. They are not comfortable with the thought of investing in the stock market and would rather keep their money in the bank.
Very Cautious investors can take a long time to make up their mind on investment matters and will usually suffer from severe regret when their investment decisions turn out badly.
Cautious Investors typically have low levels of knowledge about investment matters and limited interest in keeping up to date with investment issues. They may have some limited experience of investment products, but will be more familiar with bank accounts than riskier investments.
In general, Cautious Investors do not like to take risk with their investments. They would prefer to keep their money in the bank, but may be willing to invest in other types of investments if they are likely to be better for the longer term.
Cautious Investors can take a relatively long time to make up their mind on investment matters and can often suffer from regret when investment decisions turn out badly.
Moderately Cautious investors typically have low to moderate levels of knowledge about investment matters and quite limited interest in keeping up to date with investment issues. They may have some experience of investment products, but will be more familiar with bank accounts than riskier investments.
In general, Moderately Cautious investors are uncomfortable taking risk with their investments, but can be willing to do so to a limited extent. They realise that risky investments are likely to be better for longer-term returns.
Moderately Cautious investors can take a relatively long time to make up their mind on investment matters and may suffer from regret when investment decisions turn out badly.
Balanced Investors typically have moderate levels of knowledge about investment matters and will pay some attention to keeping up to date with investment matters. They may have some experience of investment, including investing in products containing riskier assets such as equities and bonds.
In general, Balanced Investors understand that they have to take investment risk in order to be able to meet their long-term goals. They are likely to be willing to take risk with part of their available assets.
Balanced Investors will usually be able to make up their minds on investment matters relatively quickly, but do still suffer from some feelings of regret when their investment decisions turn out badly.
Moderately Adventurous investors typically have moderate to high levels of investment knowledge and will usually keep up to date on investment issues. They will usually be fairly experienced investors, who have used a range of investment products in the past.
In general, Moderately Adventurous investors are willing to take investment risk and understand that this is crucial in terms of generating long-term return. They are willing to take risk with a substantial proportion of their available assets.
Moderately Adventurous investors will usually be able to make up their minds on investment matters quite quickly. While they can suffer from regret when their investment decisions turn out badly, they are usually able to accept that occasional poor outcomes are a necessary part of long-term investment.
Adventurous Investors typically have high levels of investment knowledge and keep up to date on investment issues. They will be experienced investors, who have used a range of investment products in the past.
In general, Adventurous Investors are happy to take investment risk and understand that this is crucial in terms of generating long-term return. They are willing to take risk with most of their available assets.
Adventurous Investors will usually be able to make up their minds on investment matters quickly. While they can suffer from regret when their investment decisions turn out badly, they are able to accept that occasional poor outcomes are a necessary part of long-term investment.
Very Adventurous investors typically have very high levels of investment knowledge and a keen interest in investment matters. They have substantial amounts of investment experience and will typically have been active in managing their investment arrangements.
In general, Very Adventurous investors are looking for the highest possible return on their capital and are willing to take considerable amounts of risk to achieve this. They are usually willing to take risk with all of their available assets.
Very Adventurous investors often have firm views on investment and will make up their minds on investment matters quickly. They do not suffer from regret to any great extent and can accept occasional poor investment outcomes without much difficulty.
This factsheet goes into more detail about our risk profiler questionnaire, each of the seven profiles and the methods used.
You can ask you clients to fill out the questionnaire in advance - so all you have to do is enter their answers for them.
Complete the form and questionnaire to generate a report which gives you an idea of your client's attitude to risk.